Should I take Manuka honey everyday?

One of the great things about being a honey lover is there are so many ways you can eat it, and Manuka honey from New Zealand is no different.

From supercharging your breakfasts, stirring into hot drinks, or simply taken off the spoon every morning or night – there is no right or wrong way to take Manuka honey. It is simply a question of your own personal preference and getting into a routine that suits you.

Honey on breakfast

But how do other people take their Manuka? And how much should you have every day?

To answer these common questions, we asked our customers for their views in a survey*.

The majority of people we surveyed, 75 per cent, (477 out of 630) take Manuka honey as part of a daily routine.

Some of you like to reach for a jar at the first signs of feeling under the weather, whereas others swear by a daily spoonful or a dollop on toast every morning.

Reassuringly a massive 81 per cent of people surveyed said they felt better from taking Manuka honey (513 out of 630) and when asked what the main reason was for you to take manuka, a huge 90 per cent of you (571 out of 630) gave a wellness related reason.

As for why you take Manuka honey, popular reasons listed within the survey included ailments like coughs and colds, digestive issues, bacterial problems and general health and immunity reasons.

Finally, an overwhelming 94 per cent of customers (594 out of 630) said they would recommend Manuka Doctor honey to a friend or family member. Which is brilliant to read!

Women with Manuka Honey

For more ideas, hints and tips about if you should take Manuka honey everyday, you can find some useful reviews underneath all of the products in this website.

Eric W told us: “We have spoonful of this every night at bedtime”

While Surekha W said “Taste so good!! In my tea, on my toast, and oats porridge. I would definitely buy again!!”

And Irene O shared this tip “Love this honey on toast in morning - plenty of it too.” - Irene O.

Finally Janet S was a fan of the classic way to take Manuka honey, commenting: “This is a great taste I take a spoonful every morning”

You can browse our range of Manuka honey here.

* Survey ran in November 2018. Results from 630 Manuka Doctor UK customers. Survey results were collected via email and the Survey Monkey platform. View the survey results here.