One of the questions we get asked a lot here at Manuka Doctor HQ is; “What brand of Manuka honey is the really the best to buy?”

Helpfully, with Manuka honey there are several important checks, proof-points, and watch outs which you should certainly look for when considering a purchase.

This blog covers all of the main elements that make up a top quality Manuka Honey brand. Including:

1) Where is it from?

Real Manuka honey can only come from New Zealand. The New Zealand Government has created a strict scientific definition of what constitutes Manuka honey. Meaning that all companies who wish to export Manuka out of New Zealand must subject their honey to a strict lab analysis.

These New Zealand Government tests are often called the MPI Standard, (standing for Ministry Of Primary Industries) and checks for the levels of 4 naturally occurring chemical markers in the honey, as well as a DNA test to prove it is from New Zealand.

What’s also worth checking is if a Manuka brand packs their jars in New Zealand too. This is important, as it prevents unscrupulous companies from exporting Manuka in giant metal drums and then blending or diluting them in a separate company before sale!

All Manuka Doctor honey meets the MPI Standard, which is stamped on the lid of every jar we produce. And all Manuka Doctor honey is packed in New Zealand.

2) How is it tested

Reputable brands use reputable labs. And if the brand is being fully transparent with you, they will happily let you see the test certificates that were issued for the batch you are buying.

There are two types of tests which are typically done on good quality honey.

One is for the MPI standard markers, and one for the level of MGO, or Methylgloyxal.

All Manuka Doctor honey is tested 5 times between the bee-keeper and sale. You are able to see the exact Lab Certificates given to your batch of honey.

3) How is it described

You can learn a lot from the label of a honey. Sometimes this may reveal that the Manuka you thought was a Genuine New Zealand product was actually packed in a totally different country. Or that the product you felt was genuine cannot provide any test certificates to prove it.

If a honey is described as being a Manuka blend, it may mean it has been mixed with other non-manuka honey and diluted. Certainly not what you want if you are paying top price!

Look for honey that states it is a product of New Zealand, and that it is packed in New Zealand too.

All Manuka Doctor honey is easily identifiable as “Tested and Certified” 100 per cent Genuine New Zealand manuka honey.

4) How is it reviewed and rated?

This is the real test of how good a brand is. Read the online reviews and ratings for the product you are about to buy to see what others think.

Manuka Doctor accepts all reviews on our website, and for some strengths of our most popular Manuka, you can see hundreds of real life reviews.

If you have a question about taste, consistency, quality, aroma, or pairings. Then it’s very likely someone has already answered this for you.

5) Is it raw and GMO Free?

Because Manuka Doctor's honey is only sourced from New Zealand countryside through our own beehives, it is raw and guaranteed to be free of genetically modified organisms (GMO free). Our honey is never pasteurised or treated with artificial ingredients or preservatives. We simply filter the honey lightly to remove any remaining wax before it is stirred to prevent crystallisation, and finally packed into the final jar for you to enjoy.

Manuka Doctor also runs great deals every month on a range of Manuka Honey strengths. You can see what’s currently on offer here.